Monday, December 29, 2008

new year

It is resolution time for me, is it for you too?

I resolve to be positive about 2008 where many good things happened to me and for my business and to look ahead to an exciting and ground breaking 2009.

I resolve to self promote and to spend some time every week looking for ways to make my company known to people who I think will be interested. 

I resolve to be the best that I can be at what I do-  Practice my instrument, care for my family, put good food into my body,  take time for spiritual reflection and be there for those around me. 

And, I will continue to provide excellent service to my clients and to pursue music in everyday life. 

I'd love to hear what you are thinking about for this next year. 

Friday, December 19, 2008


We've been hearing all over that we are living in very uncertain economic times and I've been thinking about the nature of self employment, particularly for artists. 

If you've been there, looking at a whole new year and wondering where your money is going to come from and knowing that you only have plans to make money on your craft, it can be a little daunting. 

Imagine now, for a moment, that you are one of Canada's artists, maybe one of the ones that aren't expecting to make more than $23,500 this year before taxes (as published in the 2007 Toronto Canada Council Annual Report).  What if your vision is to make a CD of your songs (upwards of $20,000)  or you want to make a movie (upwards of $100,000)?  Where is that money coming from? AND, if you do make it and manage not to have collection agencies on your butt for the next five  years, how do you know that it will make a single cent to put in your pocket?

I hear lots of people say "oh actors! oh musicians! oh artists!  so heady, so irresponsible."  The artists I know are all working jobs that they would rather not to make their rent or mortgage payment.  "So does everyone" you may say.  

I'd like to take a moment to recognize all of Canada's artists that are trying to write, speak, dance, play, learn, perform and educate all while trying not to freak out about how they are going to pay February's bills when all the work is drying up in January!

Be brave, press on!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Is there anyone else out there who finds that taking care of your company and taking care of your children/husband is a little nuts?

Here's the question that I like to avoid:  "How's motherhood treating you?"  It feels loaded and people don't want to hear the answer that you are thinking.  Many people expect to hear the word "great" and then we move on to more interesting topics.  But are you ever tempted to say "Motherhood is a joy, I still have back fat, my new perfume is barf, my son cries every time I am not holding him, and my husband wonders where the passion is?"  I can relate to Eva Longoria Parker's statement "My husband deserves to see a wife who doesn't have to tuck her boobs into her pants."  Thank the Lord for Sophia's lingerie on the Danforth!

If you can tell me the secret to being a professional and a mom, I'll give you my EI maternity leave salary. 

I have a company called Music Village.  We provide music education, live music entertainment,  and we write music.  We've written the soundtrack to a feature length film, "the Devil's Tail,"  we've written an educational workshop for the Oakville Symphony Orchestra that was  presented for high school youth,  we provide music for events and write music for my band.  AND, lots of those successes I made while pregnant or caring for my infant.   My team is great at what we do, namely, making sure that you love the music you are hearing and/or learning!

There are lots of moms and dads (or moms and moms or dads and dads, or just mom and just dad, and people taking care of other people's kids) that are a lot like me.   So caregiver -  treat yourself to a massage, because let's face it - Who wants a pat on the back?

This blog isn't just intended for moms and women, men, you are welcomed guests too.   This is a blog about a person who has a job and a family and who thinks you can have it all.  

Now, on to breastfeading. Pass me the KD and a fennel tea chaser.